Why Can’t I Delete Messages on Messenger? (Quick Easy Fix!)

why can't I delete messages on messenger

Why Can’t I Delete Messages on Messenger

Deleting messenger messages is a lot easier now with the latest update of Facebook Messenger App. However, you must know what results it produces as different types of deleting messages now exist. 

Some will delete the message from the senders device while others types of delete might delete the messages on both the senders device and the recipient device. 

In this article we will cover the different ways to delete Facebook messenger messages and the outcome if you used any type of deletion we mentioned. 

NOTE: If you are using a smartphone it varies from a desktop due to user experience and user interface design.

Deleting Messenger Messages On Smartphone

In order to delete messenger messages on your smartphone, carry out the following process. 

  • Open the Messenger App
  • Long Click on the desirable message you want to delete.
  • You can click Unsend if you want to delete the message. 
  • Now, you will have options like Unsend for everyone & Unsend for you.
  • Clicking either option will end up deleting the message. 

Unsend for Everyone vs. Unsend for You

deleting messenger messages

They both will end up deleting the message, however they played different roles in deleting. 

Unsend for everyone will delete the message in both the sender’s device and the receiver’s device simultaneously while Unsend for you will delete the message only on the sender’s device. 

They both played important roles in deleting messenger messages, but different approaches due to privacy and better user experience.

Deleting Messenger Messages On Desktop

In order to delete messenger messages on your desktop, carry out the following process. 

  • Open the Messenger App
  • Scroll to the desirable message you want to delete. 
  • Long click on the desirable message you want to delete.
  • Select the three dots menu icon on your desktop.
  • Now you will see options like Remove for Everyone & Remove for You
  • Clicking either option will end up removing the message.

Remove for Everyone vs. Remove for You

They both will end up removing the message, however they played unique roles in deleting a messenger’s message. 

Remove for everyone will delete the message in both the sender’s device and the receiver’s device simultaneously while remove for you will delete the message only on the sender’s device. 

These are the various approaches in deleting messages on messenger. Now, let’s get into frequently asked questions concerning the Facebook messenger app.

How do I permanently delete messages from Messenger?

Deleting messenger messages permanently is easy if you follow these steps. 

  • Open the Messenger App.
  • Scroll to the desirable message you want to delete.
  • Long click and slide-to-the-left on the desirable message you want to delete.
  • Click on the three dots menu icon you will see the various options Mark as unreadMute,  Restrict, Delete & Block.
  • Click Delete to delete the message. 

Frequently Ask Questions

Does deleting messenger messages delete it for the other person?

Yes, depending on the approach you use while deleting a message, you will delete messages on the other person’s device. 

Why can’t I delete messenger messages?

At first this wasn’t an option, however you can delete messages on messenger now anytime. If you can’t delete a message on messenger, check your internet connection and try again.   

Can you delete old messages on messenger?

Yes, you can delete old messages on messenger. 

How long do messages stay on messenger?

Depending on the settings of your messenger messages, this may vary. If you have your messages set to disappearing messages, this will make the messages in a chat disappear if the receiver views the message but if you don’t have that feature turned on your messages should stay between you and another person forever.   

How do I delete old messages?

Now it’s possible to delete old messages on messenger just be warned that deleting old messages from your device will not delete the messages from the receiver’s device. 

How to delete multiple messages on messenger?

Deleting multiple messages on messenger is possible, apply all the steps we wrote about above in this article on “How to permanently delete messenger messages”. Keep repeating the steps and you will delete many messages in a few seconds.  

Can you delete messages on messenger without the sender knowing?

Yes, you can delete messages on messenger without the sender knowing if you click remove or unsend for you only, the sender will not know that you have deleted the messages from your device. 

What happens when you unsend a message on messenger?

When you unsend a message on messenger you are deleting the message. Unsend is another name for delete on messenger now. 

We hope this article was helpful, but if it wasn’t you can check Facebook official Help Centre PAGE HERE.

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment and let us know if you need some technical assistance configurating any system.

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